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CAP 2014-2020: Scenarios for European Agri-Food and Rural Systems

CAP 2014-2020: Scenarios for European Agri-Food and Rural Systems - Universitas Studiorum

Proceedings of the 51st SIDEA Conference
Benevento, Palazzo De Simone, 18-20 September 2014
Eds. Giuseppe Marotta & Concetta Nazzaro
e-book (PDF); english language
ISBN 9788897683797

The 51st Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Agricultural Economics (SIDEA) has been held at University of Sannio, in the city of Benevento, on the theme of “The Common Agricultural Policy 2014-2020: scenarios for the European agricultural and rural systems”. This Conference aimed to develop a critical scientific debate, in the agricultural economics, on crucial issues related to the new programming period and the reform implementation in Italy.
From one side, it seems appropriate to wonder whether the general policy decisions and the measures planned are actually able to achieve the objectives set and the challanges of globalization. From the other side, the works and papers presented at the Conference, develop analysis and reflections on the foreseeable effects of the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) configuration. Agriculture is an essential component of European economy and society. For this reason, the new CAP aims to promote greater competitiveness, efficient use of public resources, food security, respect of the environment and fight against climate change, social and territorial equilibrium. These goals are included within the main objective of a sustainable, smart and inclusive growth of the rural Europe and the Europe 2020 Strategy.

Given such a framework, the SIDEA Conference intended to promote a scientific debate on
the perspectives that the new CAP provides in order to reach a competitive repositioning of the
European agricultural and rural systems, in particular, through the depth study of the following
themes, analyzed, respectively, in three plenary sessions:
1. CAP 2014-2020 and new challanges for agriculture and rural areas
2. CAP 2014-2020 and market
3. CAP 2014-2020 and rural development


E-book disponibile e scaricabile online dal sito SIDEA

E-book is available for free at SIDEA homepage


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