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Lockdown Stories

Lockdown Stories - Universitas Studiorum

Edited by Micol Ferrara

268 pp., Euro 19,00

ISBN 9788833690988  (printed book)
ISBN 9788833690995  (e-book)

To celebrate the national day for AIL (Associazione Italiana contro le Leucemie-Linfomi e Mieloma, “Italian Association against Leukemias- Lymphomas and Myeloma”), celebrated yearly on June 21st, the Universitas Studiorum is pleased to present the Micol Ferrara Lockdown Stories project, sustaining the non-profit organization “Casa di Vanessa Verdacchia ONLUS”. The event is an occasion to send an important message to all patients and their relatives: you are not alone in this battle. Through the purchase of the book it will be possible to contribute to the cause: a printed copy may be ordered for 19.00 Euro, and will be mailed directly to your home, while a complimentary digital copy will be provided. Thanks to the participation of Luciana Delle Donne, CEO of the social brand “Made in Carcere”, a limited number of books will receive a hand-made book pouch “made by hand with love by MIC 4 AIL” that aims to implement the fundraising in support of the initiative. We are grateful for your contribution. Namastè!

Future historians will have a plethora of sources available upon which to debate: from the cultured reflections of intellectuals and professionals, to the daily testimonies left on social networks, to the selfies and videos that have crowded the web during the period of quarantine. What sets this volume apart, however, is the will to leave a more intimate evidence of people’s lives, unmediated through use of technology and special effects, with no filters: the days of the pandemic told (through words or images) through the deep exploration of lives, in light of one’ own personal and professional affairs, affections and emotions, memories and passions, dreams, without forgetting desires and hopes for recovery. The red line that ties these stories is Italy, as seen by those who live there or those who, after having left, often for work-related reasons, have followed the country’s events through mass media or their loved ones, thus, in a sense, experiencing a double-quarantine. And conversely, through those who not being born in Italy have chosen it for their home, internalizing its culture and identity. History here calls to something very deep, passion: determined, reflected upon and constant for life, as well as for sharing.

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Buy now your Softcover Book at 19,00 Euro:   
- at your traditional Bookshop
- online at Youcanprint, IBS, Libreriauniversitaria, LaFeltrinelli, Amazon   

Please consider a free donation to AIL: 

IBAN = IT 53 U 02008 05212 000011000011
Beneficiary = ROMAIL Vanessa Verdecchia Onlus
Bank = Unicredit Banca