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Mantua Humanistic Studies. Volume III

Mantua Humanistic Studies. Volume III - Universitas Studiorum

ed. by Edoardo Scarpanti

156 pp.; Euro 25,00

ISBN 9788833690223

Series "Mantua Humanistic Studies", n. 3

Table of contents:
Time, inner language, ‘open society’: Victor Egger’s influence on Henri Bergson (by Riccardo Roni).
Il linguaggio economico-sociale, aspetti storico-politico-lessicali nell’età vittoriana di Our mutual friend. L’immagine allegorica come strumento di introspezione (by Sabrina Mazzara).
The iconographic transformation of the “tail of the dragon of the eclipse” into the “hunting cheetah” (by Maria Vittoria Fontana).
Was Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta a uxoricide? New Research on the Premature Death of Polissena Sforza († 1 June 1449) (by Anna Falcioni).
Design e corpo umano. Lo stupore come strumento del sapere (by Andrea Lupacchini).
Lorelei, Nixen e altre Wasserfrauen nell’opera di Joseph von Eichendorff (by Sonia Saporiti).Who is the Pedagogist and how he practices on couple and family problems (by Franco Blezza).


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