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Mathematical tools for Economics and Finance with Mathematica software

Mathematical tools for Economics and Finance with Mathematica software - Universitas Studiorum

di Giovanni Masala

1 vol. a colori di 346 pp., in lingua inglese; Euro 38,00

ISBN 9788899459031

Mathematica is a scientific software dedicated to symbolic and numerical calculus, developed by a team directed by Stephen Wolfram. The potential applications are extremely wide and may comprise, for example, pure and applied Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Finance and Engineering. The first version 1.0 was published on 1988 while the current version 10.0 was released on 2014. Mathematica also permits to develop sophisticated program code thanks to its own syntax and besides, it can be used as a highly accurate text Editor. This book is a complete and up-to-date guide to Mathematica Software.Contents: Introduction, Linear Algebra, Functions of a real variable, Functions of several variables, Implicit funcions theorem, Unconstrained optimization, Constrained optimization, Ordinary differential equations and systems, Dynamic optmization, Stochastic calculus, Financial Applications, etc.


Giovanni Masala is Assistant Professor in financial mathematics in the Department of Economic and Business Science at the University of Cagliari (Italy).


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