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Osteopathy and Nutrition for Managing the Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Osteopathy and Nutrition for Managing the Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Universitas Studiorum

by Rita Lombardini & Luca Collebrusco

134 pp.; Euro 45,00 (text in english)

ISBN 9788899459321

Gastrointestinal tract dysfunction such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common intestinal complaints that prompts an individual to consult a doctor. However, ambiguities in defining it and slow accumulation of evidence on the benefits of treatment have made this syndrome notoriously difficult to diagnose and treat. Our goal has been to prepare a text that provide an overview of IBS and the main concepts and practice of osteopathy and nutrition. The result is a book, which presents IBS management using OMT, dietary modifications, and nutritional supplements according to current evidence-based literature. We have also added some appendices on practical applications which might then serve as a simple treatment plan for a broad range of healthcare professionals including osteopaths, physiotherapists, manual therapists, sports science graduates, massage and bodywork therapists and nutritionists, to reduce the chronic pain and inflammation that are associated with IBS.

Rita Lombardini, MSc (Biol), MSc (Phytotherapy) is a researcher in Internal Medicine and lecturer at degree course in Physiotherapy at the University of Perugia, Italy. She also is a Nutritionist and member of the National Association of Biologists. She has a long-term interest in vascular/metabolic complication in the atherosclerotic process and, most recently, she has been working with Dr. Collebrusco to investigate the biological mechanisms of osteopathic manipulative treatment.

Luca Collebrusco, MSc (Rehabilitation), MSc (Osteopathy and Postural Science), DO, FT, is a teacher and researcher in osteopathic manipulative medicine. He is lecturer and tutor training at the degree course in Physiotherapy at the Marche Polytechnic University in Ancona, and at the School of Osteopathy “CROMON” in Rome, Italy. Speaker at national and international conferences on Manual Therapy and Postural Alterations, he is studying the role of osteopathic manipulative treatment in improving visceral and vascular dysfunctions.


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