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The path to truth. An encounter with the great Greek thinkers...

The path to truth. An encounter with the great Greek thinkers... - Universitas Studiorum

The path to truth. An encounter with the great Greek thinkers from Thales to Aristotle

di Alberto Jori

234 pp.; Euro 18,00

ISBN 9788833690070

The Path to Truth tells us the story of the first philosophers in the West. Beginning with Thales and culminating in a discussion of the works of Aristotle, Jori’s work provides a clear and engaging introduction to one of the most interesting periods in the history of human thought. The writing is lively and elegant and the author opens up a range of important questions about ancient thought and about modern reception of antiquity. The Path to Truth is an excellent primer for teaching students the value of early philosophy.

Alberto Jori is a well-known Italian Neo-Aristotelian philosopher and an exponent of the School of “Practical Philosophy”. He is Professor of Philosophy at the Eberhard-Karls-University of Tubingen, Germany, and of Ancient Philosophy at the University of Ferrara, Italy. He studied in Padua, Cambridge, and Heidelberg and received a grant from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. In 2003, with his book on Aristotle, he won the prize of the International Academy of the History of Science (Paris, Sorbonne). Jori has published twenty books and many articles on a wide variety of topics in history of philosophy.

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