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Captioning and Revoicing Screened Dialogue

Captioning and Revoicing Screened Dialogue - Universitas Studiorum

The Pragmatics of Audiovisual Translation

di Mara Logaldo

146 pp., Euro 20,00

ISBN 9788833690773

This book is addressed to students who are already familiar with the challenges of specialised translation but need specific tools for translating audiovisual texts. Audiovisual Translation (AVT) entails a textual competence that takes into account the very nature of screened dialogue and the way it interacts in each frame with the visual code and with other, verbal and nonverbal, elements in the soundtrack. Both subtitling (captioning) and dubbing (revoicing) require awareness of the pragmatics of audiovisual texts, which involves not only sociolinguistic and culture-specific issues but also technical constraints inherent to the adaptation processes. The captioning/revoicing perspective is aimed at giving room to an interdisciplinary approach which combines linguistic and semiotic readings of screened dialogue. The approach is theoretical and hands-on at the same time. Hence the term “pragmatics” in the title is to be understood both as a reference to the subdiscipline of linguistics, particularly in its focus on the importance of context to infer meaning, and to the Greek word πράγμα, “doing, deed, execution, business, task, difficulty, annoyance, intrigue” (Feyerabend).

Mara Logaldo (PhD in English Studies from the University of Genova) is a tenured Researcher and Lecturer at IULM University, Milan, where she teaches courses of English for Special Purposes, both at graduate and postgraduate level. Between 2004 and 2018 she held courses of Media English within the MA degree course in Film Studies. Since then she has taught Audiovisual Translation (Dubbing and Subtitling) within the MA degree course in Specialised Translation and Conference Interpreting. She is also a member of the Doctoral Board and gives lectures on English for Specific Academic Purposes within the PhD programme in Visual and Media Studies. Her research interests include rhetoric, discourse analysis, multimodality and pragmatics. She has published monographs on the structural function of metaphor (Figura e rappresentazione in Henry James-1896-1901, Edizioni Dell’Orso, 2000), media discourse (Writing for the Media, Arcipelago, 2000), New Journalism (Cronaca come romanzo, Arcipelago, 2003) and communication in the age of Augmented Reality (Augmented Linguistics, Arcipelago, 2012). In her recent essays, she has focused on the pragmatics of film dialogue (“What Is Royalty without a Voice? The Performance of Power in The King’s Speech”, Pólemos, 2015) and on the functional use of captions (“The Last Laugh? A Multimodal Analysis of Captions in Photojournalism”, Pólemos, 2017; “Capturing/Captioning Wildlife in Nature Photography”, 2019). She has edited the volumes Testi brevi di accompagnamento (with Donella Antelmi, Universitas Studiorum, 2019) and Investigating Conflict Discourses in the Periodical Press (with Giuliana Garzone and Francesca Santulli, Peter Lang, 2020).

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