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Open Journal of Humanities (OJH)

Open Journal of Humanities (OJH) - Universitas Studiorum

OJH is a peer-reviewed Electronic Scientific Journal, devoted to the field of Humanities, which is distributed online for free with a full Gold Open Access policy.

ISSN 2612-6966  
DOAJ: https://www.doaj.org/toc/2612-6966 

1. The Journal - OJH's Publishing Ethics

2. International Scientific Committee

3. Published Volumes in Open Access

4. Current Call for Papers



                      - - - The Journal - OJH's Publishing Ethics

Journal scope and full Open Access distribution  

Open Journal of Humanities (OJH), ISSN 2612-6966, is a peer-reviewed Electronic Scientific Journal, which is devoted to the field of Humanities. All the volumes of the Journal are available in full Gold Open Access (see below). OJH is published three times a year, and is distributed online with a full Gold Open Access policy, without any embargo period, through a Creative Commons License (CC-by 4.0), according to scientific best practices. In Italy, OJH is officially classified by ANVUR as "scientific journal" for Area 10 "Scienze dell'antichità, filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche"; Area 11 "Scienze storiche, filosofiche, pedagogiche, psicologiche" and Area 12 "Scienze giuridiche".

The Journal is available in full Open Acces at the following DOAJ address: https://www.doaj.org/toc/2612-6966 

Peer-review process, publication ethics, malpractice statements and Authors' responsability  

Peer-reviewing process for OJH is operated on a "double blind" basis, for each proposed article; it is conducted by at least two external referees, and is monitored by members of OJH's Scientific Committee and by the Publisher's Editor. Both the reviewers and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. Received articles are made anonymous by our Editors, before Peer-reviewing process begins. Selection is based only on intellectual and scientific value and content, with no regards to authors' identity, origins, political or religious orientations. Proposed papers must be unpublished and fully original, and OJH Editorial Board will condemn and report any plagiarism or semi-plagiarism case. Every single Author accepts his own full responsability for the originality and paternity of the published text.  

Article processing charges (APC) and opportunities for young scholars  

Not being expression of an University Department, but rather a fully independent Journal, and as a consequence of its full Gold Open Access and non-profit policy and distribution, OJH is published thanks to single article processing charges (APC). All details on requested APC amount are below, at "Current Call for Papers" section. We also consider, for each single issue, a limited number or completely or partially charge-free articles, such as single "invited articles" by distinguished Scholars, and a limited number of single articles proposed by young PhD Students, Post-Doc Scholars and independent Researchers who have no access to University grants, according to a prior quality evaluation by OJH's Scientific Committee.

Accepted Topics 

Accepted topics of OJH include the whole field of Humanities, and namely: Archaeology, Arts (Visual Arts, Architecture), Classics, Philology, Philosophy, Law and Politics, Linguistics, Literature, Psychology, Music and Theatre. Corrispondent scientific classification in Italy covers the following four fields (cf. D.M. 855/2015 and ANVUR): Area 10 "Scienze dell'antichità, filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche"; Area 11 "Scienze storiche, filosofiche, pedagogiche, psicologiche"; Area 12 "Scienze giuridiche".  

Open Access distribution, Creative Commons copyright, and DOI - Databases currently indexing OJH 

Every single paper is published with its own DOI and stable link. Both published Volumes and single papers are available online for free for reading and for download, and after different evaluation periods they will be fully indexed on major Open Access Scientific Databases, such as HAL, OSF, ROAD-ISSN, Scopus, WOS, DOAJ and on major Broad and General Databases as well, such as Google Books, and Internet Archive. We also encourage single Authors to upload their own full published OJH's Articles, without restrictions, on major Free-Access Online Repositories, such as Academia.edu, Google Scholar, ResearchGate and their own University Repository.

Selected databases which are already indexing OJH, or are still evaluating it, are listed below:
- DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) = accepted, fully indexed at: https://www.doaj.org/toc/2612-6966 
- OSF (Open Science Framework) = accepted, fully indexed, at: https://osf.io/yzhbm/   
- ROAD - ISSN = accepted, at: https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/2612-6966  
- HAL - Archives ouvertes = accepted, data charging in progress, at: https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/search/index/?q=2612-6966&submit=&submitType_s=file  
- CINECA = accepted, registered under code E251927 
- ISSN = accepted, registered under code 2612-6966 
- ANVUR = accepted as "scientific journal" for Area 10 "Scienze dell'antichità, filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche"; Area 11 "Scienze storiche, filosofiche, pedagogiche, psicologiche" and Area 12 "Scienze giuridiche" 
- Scopus = evaluation will be awaited after two-years publishing period (allow ca. 12 months more) 
- WOS (World of Science, ex ISI) 
= currently under evaluation (allow ca. 6/12 months more) 

Universitas Studiorum allows the Author(s) to hold the copyright of their text and its publishing rights without restrictions.

Licenza Creative Commons
This work is distributed with license / Quest'opera è distribuita con licenza  Creative Commons Attribuzione 4.0 Internazionale.

OJH's Publisher is identified af follows:
Universitas Studiorum S.r.l. - Casa Editrice Scientifica
via Sottoriva, 9 - 46100 Mantova (MN), Italy
P. IVA IT02346110204
tel. (+39) 0376 1810639


                       - - - International Scientific and Editorial Committee

Carla Carotenuto, Università degli Studi di Macerata (Director) 

Maria Accame, "Sapienza" Università di Roma  
Davide Astori, Università degli Studi di Parma
Alessandro Barca, Università Telematica "Pegaso"
Nicoletta Calzolari Zamorani, CNR - Pisa
Gabriella Cambosu, Università degli Studi di Cagliari 
Clementica Casula, Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Matteo De Beni, Università degli Studi di Verona 
Federica De Iuliis, Università degli Studi di Parma 
Francesca Dell'Oro, Université de Lausanne (Switzerland)  
Maria Vittoria Fontana, "Sapienza" Università di Roma  
Agnese Fusaro, Equip de Recerca Arqueològica i Arqueomètrica (ERAAUB), Universitat de Barcelona (Spain) 
Sonia Gambino, Università degli Studi di Messina  
Carmela Giordano, Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale" 
Alberto Jori, Università degli Studi di Ferrara  
Valetina Laviola, Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale" 
Giuseppe Liverano, Università degli Studi "G. d'Annunzio" di Chieti-Pescara
Giovanni Lupinu, Università degli Studi di Sassari    
Martina Massullo, Université de Lille (France)
Chiara Melloni, Università degli Studi di Verona 
Michela Meschini, Università degli Studi di Macerata   
Mario Negri, Università IULM   
Erika Notti, Università IULM  
Isotta Piazza, Università degli Studi di Parma   
Paola Pontani, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Daniela Privitera, Middlebury College at Mills, San Francisco (USA) 
Francesco Paolo Romeo, Università Telematica "Pegaso"
Riccardo Roni, Università degli Studi della Basilicata 
Marco Sabbatini, Università degli Studi di Pisa
Sonia Saporiti, Università degli Studi del Molise
Giulia Sarullo, Università Telematica "e-Campus"
Domenico Scalzo, Università degli Studi di Urbino "Carlo Bo" 
Edoardo Scarpanti, Università Telematica "e-Campus" - Accademia Nazionale Virgiliana  
Marco Stoffella, Università degli Studi di Verona   
Cristina Vallaro, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Editorial Staff

Ilari Anderlini 
Giannella Biddau  
Luigi Diego Di Donna  
Edoardo Scarpanti 


                       - - - Published and Forthcoming Volumes in Open Access



1 (2019) 2 (2019) 3 (2019)
4 (2020) 5 (2020) 6 (2020)
7 (2021) 8 (2021) 9 (2021)
10 (2022) 11 (2022) 12 (2022) 
13 (2023) 14 (2023) 15 (2023)
16 (2024) 17 (2024)
18 (2024)



                       - - - Current Call for Papers

Call for Papers for Nos. 15 (2023) and 16 (2024) - OPEN

Deadline for submissions: open until filled
 Publication of the articles online: 24 hours after Author's final approval, with "online first" policy 
Theme for current Volume: free  

Information for submissions 

E-mail for submissions: info@universitas-studiorum.it

Accepted topics: Archaeology, Arts (History of Visual Arts), Classics, Philology, Philosophy, Law and Politics, Linguistics, Literature, Psychology, Music.

Accepted languages: English, Italian, Spanish, French, German; other languages can be considered on request.

Paper extension: min. 10.000 / max. 60.000 characters (including spaces), or different extension on request; pictures etc. will be reproduced in full colors.

Article processing charges (APC), to be paid after acceptance and before publication: 350,00 Euros (+ IVA 4%).
A single free DOI code for each paper code is included.

Mandatory Paper characteristics:
document type = .doc or .docx
main text = Times New Roman, 12 pt., single spaced
secondary text = Times New Roman, 10 pt., single spaced
foot-notes (no end-notes) = Times New Roman, 10 pt., single spaced
to be included, at the beginning of the text, 5/10 keywords (in english); a 5/10 lines abstract (in english); author’s full contact information
bibliography style = as follows

Bibliography style (mainly based on APA’s) 

References inside the main text, or in the notes (examples):
Suzuki (1989: 56) refuses to agree with this idea.
Suzuki refuses to agree with this idea (1989: 56).
See Suzuki 1989: 56.
See Merriam-Webster's 1993: s.v.

Full Bibliography at the end of the Paper (examples):
Austin, N. 1994. Helen of Troy and her Shameless Phantom. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Calame, C. 1997. Choruses of Young Women in Ancient Greece: Their Morphology, Religious Role, and Social Functions. Trans. by D. Collins and J. Orion. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Ebbott, M. 1999. “The Wrath of Helen: Self-Blame and Nemesis in the Iliad.” In Carlisle, M. & Levaniouk, O. eds. Nine Essays on Homer. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. 3-20.
Ghali-Kahil, L. B. 1955. Les Enlèvements et le retour d’Hélène dans les textes et les documents figurés. 2 vols. Paris: De Boccard.
Groten, F. J. 1968. “Homer’s Helen.” G&R 15: 33-39.
Lloyd-Jones, H. & Wilson, N. G. 1990. Sophoclea: Studies on the Text of Sophocles. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary (1993). Springfield: Merriam-Webster.
Vernant, J. P. & Vidal-Nacquet, V. eds. 1988. Myth and Tragedy in Ancient Greece. Trans. by J. Lloyd. New York: Zone Books.